January: Water leaks, Landlord/Tenant issues, Fairpoint, Copper issue, District Boundary Map, Fixed asset inventory, PILOT payments, Election ballot, Spanish Creek well, Crestone Baca Land Trust, Dharma Ocean...
February: District Boundary map, District's auditors resigns, District manager position...
March: White Jewel Mountain, Flower beds, CBLT request, Consolidation resolution, System operator job description, Election judges, Polling place, Wells Fargo lease, Annexation presentation, Source water protection plan, Attorney interviews...
April 11 Special: Seaquest, Well 17, Water meters, POA, Trucked water, Consolidated lots, Lease resolution...
April 29 Special:Manager appointments and job description review, Code compliance...
May: Oath of office, Board organization, Board conduct, Well 18, Fish and Wildlife Service water meters, Golf course well, Systems operator salary, District management considerations, Crestone Youth Project request...
June: Engagement of Special District Management Services, Inc., Signature cards, Claims, Well 18, Personnel issues, Everhart, Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve, Water meters, Dharma Ocean, Field personnel, Property Owners Association, Town annexation task force...
July: Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest, Resolution of Appreciation, Resolution No. 2008-07-02, Resolution No. 2008-07-03, SDA 2008 Annual Conference, Claims, Bank reconciliation, Resolution No. 2008-07-04, 2007 Audit, DOLA grants, CSafe account, Cost sharing agreement (sewer main line extension), November 2008 election, Procedure for hiring and termination of employees, Job descriptions, Resolution No. 2008-07-05, Freeze on hiring and expenditures, Payment in Lieu of Taxes ("PILOT"), Well 18, Everhart, Personnel issues-executive session, Operations report, Boundary map, Fixed asset inventory, Town annexation Task Force...
July Special: Appointment of Directors, Engagement of Special Counsel, Main line extension project...
August: Debt Consolidation and Line of Credit, Delinquent Account report, DOLA grants, Well 18 Project, East Dream Way Project, C-SAFE Account, 2007 Audit Status, Resolution No. 2008-08-01:expressing official intent to finance certain capital and other costs by issuance of tax exempt bonds and the methods for reimbursement thereof, Resolution No. 2008-08-02:Adopting Policy Regarding Recording of Public and Executive Session Meetings, Cost Sharing Agreement, Nov. 2008 Election, Resolution No. 2008-08-03: Calling the November 4, 2008 Election, Resolution No. 2008-08-04 Adopting Policy regarding Employee Hiring, Discipline, and Termination, Engagement of Services, Management billing, Town Annexation Task Force, Irrigation Water Usage by POA...
September:Appointment of President of the Board, ACH Payment collections, DOLA Grants, Operations Manager Report, Staffing Statue, Project updates...
October: 2009 Meeting Dates, Resolution Adopting a Policy Regarding the Conduct of Regular and Special Meetings of the Board of Directors, Resolution Authorizing Credit Cards for Certain Employees, DOLA Grants, PILOT, November election, Resolution of Necessity for Condemnation of Site, Resolution Adopting Mileage Reimbursement Policy, Operations Manager Report, Customer Service, Project updates...
October Special: 2007 Audit, Debt Consolidation and Line of Credit, Status of Chlorination...
November: Thanksgiving Holiday- no meeting
December 5: Resolution to Amend 2008 Budget, Public Hearing, 2009 Expenditures, 2008 Audit, November 2008 Election results, Manitou Foundation Improvements, Resolution 2008-12-05 regarding Overtime and On-Call Compensation, Resolution 2008-12-06 regarding Annual Administrative Actions, Resolution 2008-12-07 regarding the Colorado Special District Records Retention Schedule, Resolution 2008-12-08 regarding Certifying Delinquent Water and Sanitary Sewer Service Fees to Saguache County Treasurer for Collection, Operations Manager Report...
December 19: Resolution to Amend 2009 Budget...
December 23: Resolution No. 2008-12-10 authorizing the issuance by the Baca Grande Water and Sanitation District of its principle General Obligation Bonds...