January: Spanish Creek sewer line freeze-ups
February: not available
March:Well 18, Substitute Supply Plan w/Lexam, Board checking account...
April: Lexam Request, Larry Pochardt, Crestone Baca Land Trust Request...
May: Crestone Baca Land Trust Request, Fairpoint Tower, POA Meeting, Lexam, Dharma Ocean Request...
May Special Meeting: Discussion of Lexam's April 17, 2007 request to purchase water from the District for drilling purposes...
June: Manitou Tract Deed, Tap Fee Agreements, Grants Tap, Town of Crestone...
July: Executive session to discuss personnel issues, Salary & Benefits, Paid Days Off.
July Special Meeting: Executive session to discuss personnel issues
August: HR review, Dharma Ocean Foundation update...
September: Special warranty easement deed for new fire hydrant, Water service outside of District request, chlorine, lead & copper levels, Assessor certification of valuation, District manager resignation...
October: Payment in lieu of taxes, Camino Baca Grande sewer project-White Jewel Mountain/Dharma Ocean Foundation, Camino Baca Grande road clean-up, Woodman Construction, Crestone Baca Land Trust request- fees waived, Resolution certifying delinquent accounts, Special warranty easement Deed Manitou Foundation fire hydrant, Golf course well...
December: 2006 Audit, Mill Levy, Resolution 2007-04 concerning Revision of Water Rate, Resolution 2007-05 certifying Delinquent Usage Accounts to the Saguache County Treasurer...